It is possible to receive the ordered goods in our store / warehouse at 19a Ropažu Street, Riga, as well as we deliver the goods to the specified address by courier or sent to Omniva parcel terminals throughout the Baltics.
Receipt of goods in the store / warehouse
Receipt of goods in the store / warehouse at 19A Ropažu Street, Riga is free of charge. In the contacts section you can find working hours and coordinates.
If you have chosen to receive the product (s) in our store / warehouse, the product (s) will be delivered there within 1-3 working days, unless a different delivery time is specified for the selected product (s). We will notify you by contacting you by phone, e-mail or SMS. We will be waiting for you to receive an already paid order until you can come to the store / warehouse, but not paid for up to 7 days. After these deadlines, the order will be canceled and the ordered goods will be sent back to the warehouse.
To receive an order, you must have an identity document and an order or invoice number. If another person will receive your order, specify them as the recipient when placing the order. And if the buyer is a legal entity, you must have a power of attorney.
Delivery of goods by courier
We deliver the goods to the specified address via Express Mail. If you have chosen to deliver the goods to the address specified by you, we will deliver your order within 1-3 working days, unless a different delivery time is specified for the selected product (s). Couriers deliver orders along a pre-planned route, so it is not possible to choose the exact delivery time. Delivery of goods in Riga and Riga districts is provided on working days from 8:00 to 18:00, in other cities – from 8:00 to 18:00.
Delivery of goods to Omniva parcel machines
If you have chosen to deliver the goods to the Omniva parcel terminal, then the order will be delivered within 1-3 working days in the territory of Latvia and within 2-5 working days in the rest of the Baltic territory, unless the product is in stock and the selected product (s) are not specified other delivery time.
“Free delivery” campaign
The promotion “Free delivery” can be granted in certain cases provided by You can use free delivery only during the specified period of the promotion, which is indicated in the notification about the course of the promotion.
If you have not found the answers to your questions, please contact us by calling +371 2934 7891 or writing to [email protected].